/* Template Name: Custom Page Template */ Renewable Energy: The CleanerEnergy Source Shaping the Future

Renewable energy is the way of the future in the long run. It has radically re-shaped the energy market over the last decade, and is set to make waves in the years to come. It is undeniable that fossil fuels will soon run out. According to scientists and experts, the Earth’s fossil fuel supplies will be depleted in as little as 50 years. With more and more people switching to cleaner energy sources, the coming decades will witness a super-charged shift to renewables – this fact is undisputed.

What is Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy is useful energy that is derived from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished by nature – the Sun, the Wind, Water, the Earth’s heat. Renewable energy is an environment-friendly alternative to the traditional energy that relies on fossil fuels.


Before delving into more details, we should clarify what the renewable energy sources are. Following are the primary sources of renewable energy:

  • Hydro Energy
  • Bio Energy
  • Geothermal Energy
  • Solar Energy
  • Wind Energy
  • Ocean Energy
  • Biomass Energy

The key advantages of Renewable Energy Resources

The benefits of various sources of renewable energy are breath taking. These include cleaner air, lower carbon emissions, natural resource conservation, and significant long-term savings.

A fuel supply that never runs out

As the name suggests, renewable energy sources are derived from naturally replenished sources – such as sunlight, wind and water. We call these resources renewable or sustainable (as in sustainable energy) because, unlike fossil fuels, they are replenished naturally and are therefore sustainable, abundant and inexhaustible.

Zero carbon emissions

Non renewable energy sources endanger the environment as well as human health. They also contribute to global warming. The burning of fossil fuels for electricity and heat is the single largest source of global greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for 30% of total emissions. Fossil fuels contribute to sulfur emission in the atmosphere, which can lead to:

  • Acid rain
  • Smog
  • Changes in sea level
  • Cold snaps
  • Droughts
  • Hurricanes
  • Wildfires

The most significant benefit of renewable energy is that it doesn’t cause grave environmental pollution, and has low or zero carbon emission or other greenhouse gas emission. The carbon impact of coal power plants is 20 times greater than renewables which are able to produce energy without generating any pollutants or global warming emissions.

Cleaner air and water

In addition to warming the climate, burning fossil fuels to generate electricity also contaminates the air we breathe and the water we drink. On the other hand, electricity generated from renewable sources has a much smaller impact on the environment and helps to improve air and water quality by supplying electricity without combustion. Consequently, renewable energy technologies such as wind power, solar PV electricity, geothermal energy, or solar thermal energy are most effective at cutting air pollutant emissions. That’s the reason why renewable energy is considered clean energy.

A cheaper form of electricity

Solar energy has entered a new era on a worldwide scale. With the rapid growth of renewable energy over the last decade, solar and wind power are now the cheapest sources of electricity for at least two-thirds of the global population. In India, technological advancements and dropping solar-panel prices have made solar power affordable enough to compete with other fuel sources on its own.

The Limitations of Renewable Energy Resources

Just like with any other kind of technology, we must also be aware of the disadvantages of renewable energy if we wish to achieve an emission-free future. In fact, we can only enhance existing technology, develop new solutions, and meet our energy needs while also benefiting the environment if we understand its limitations.

Higher capital costs

The most obvious barrier to renewable energy is its cost—specifically, capital costs, or the expense of building and installing solar and wind farms. While renewable energy systems need no fuel and can deliver substantial long-term savings, the bulk of the expense comes from building the technology.

Intermittent power generation

Generation from RE depend entirely on natural resources such as sunlight, wind, and water to be able to harness any energy. Therefore, in case atmospheric conditions are not good enough, renewable energy technologies would be unable to generate any electricity. That essentially means their electricity generation can be as unpredictable as the weather. Solar panels require clear sky and daylight to obtain the heat needed to generate energy, which cannot be collected at night and on cloudy days. Likewise, wind turbines require wind to move its blades, at least at a minimum wind speed and are ineffective in calm weather. Similarly, hydropower systems require adequate rain to ensure reliable and seamless electricity production.

Efficiency is a challenge

Renewable energy technologies are still relatively new in the market, which means they are yet in the research and implementation stage. This creates barriers in the efficiency of these technologies. The construction and maintenance costs for such facilities are relatively high due to a lack of information on how to effectively harness these kinds of energy. Renewable technologies have yet to overcome numerous obstacles to effectively become competitive with coal, natural gas, and nuclear power.

Renewable Energy: What Can You Do?



The benefits of using renewable sources far outweigh the shortcomings of it, especially in the future. Renewable energy is a cost-effective solution to lower your bills while also helping the environment. By doing so, you improve your quality of life by providing a safer, more environmentally friendly energy source that isn’t reliant on finite resources.

The good news is, with so many options for bringing it home, we’re now able to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas, And creating your own energy may be easier than you think. As a customer, you have numerous options for making a difference in the environment by powering your home with greener energy solutions.