We are one of the oldest solar-EPC company in India. We have
in house an Lithium-ION battery assembly line with BOS and
providing Battery Energy Storage Systems, or BESS of LithiumION battery storge system. BESS are rechargeable batteries that
can store energy from different sources and discharge it when
needed. We are providing Latium-ION battery bank (BESS) with
our solar power generator as a third important part and are
also selling only BESS to customers.
Our BESS providing maximum value for owner by ensuring a
stable supply of electricity from renewable energy and
maximizing their revenue. Our Lithium-ion batteries are
designed to have a long lifespan (5 to 10 years) without
maintenance. Our Latium battery bank (BESS) have high energy
density and low self-discharge equipped with latest energy
storage technologies from all over the world providing
maximum power backup and owner can use it for improve grid
stability & solar power plant efficiency.
Now our some BESS products are also available for on line
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